Dog School

Head to the Dog School arena and book a 15-minute group training session with Dogs Trust. You’ll learn some top tips and new skills, including how to make your training fun and rewarding for you and your dog!

Dog School aim to make sure their sessions are suitable for your pooch, so bring them along to meet the team first. They have four fun-filled topics, with sessions running throughout the day between 10:00 and 16:30.

Loose Lead Walking

Going out for walkies can be the most exciting part of your dog’s day. It’s easy to see why they might start pulling on their lead to get where they want to go faster.  

Learn the key steps of loose lead walking, and how to start your dog off on the right paw.   

Get a head start in teaching your pup to walk nicely here


Most dogs love having a good run off their lead. But before you let your pooch loose, you need to be confident that they’ll always come back when you call; whatever’s going on around them. 

Come and learn Dog Schools’ top tips and find out why a great recall is essential when meeting other dogs. 

Get a head start in teaching your pup recall

How to train your dog not to jump up

Most dogs jump up to get our attention. They’re likely to jump up at you when they’re excited to see you. But it could also be an attempt to communicate they’re worried about something. The action of jumping up can become a channel for excited or nervous energy that dogs repeat again and again.

Learn some top tips to help your pooch keep their paws on the floor.

Get a head start with teaching your dog not to jump up

The Dog School expert coaches will be available to answer any questions you might have about dog training, Dog School, or anything else you fancy a chat about. They'd also absolutely love to meet your little pal too (please bring pictures if they can’t make it!).  

If your pooch can’t join you on the day, fear not, you can still come down and pick up some tips by watching some real-life training in action.   

Please note that all the Dog School arena sessions will be pre-booked on the day – just pop over and they'll sign you up. This will also allow them to check these sessions are right for you and your dog. You should also bring some of your little pal’s favourite treats as a reward for what is sure to be a very productive, fun and dog-filled day.  

Not only will they have all of the above on show, but they'll be right next to the Dogs Trust Village where there’ll be countless ways to learn more about the wonderful work they do, and to talk even more about all things dog. 

Visit Dog School


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Rosette illustration
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