Have A Go Activities

Take a look at all the great features happening at DogFest this year! 

Fun Dog Show 

The Fun Dog Show in partnership with Agria is the most FUN ever! Forget serious judging – this is about celebrating life with our beloved, hilarious dogs.

Big Dog Walk

The Big Dog Walk in partnership with Agria is your chance to enjoy quality time outdoors with your dog in a stunning location. 

Breed Meet Ups 

Breed Meet-Ups in partnership with Agria are a place for your dog to meet their extended family. Everyone's invited!

Dogstacle Course

It's a fun, friendly activity that both dogs and their humans adore! Have a go negotiating the obstacles with your dog. Our friendly team will be on hand to help novices.

DogFest Dip & Dive

If your dog loves water, they’ll love Dip & Dive! It’s fun to watch the brave dogs chase a ball into the pool.  Bookings open soon.

Catch the Flag

Catch the Flag is a fun activity for dogs of all ages and fitness levels. They love to take their turn to chase the fake ferret across the field. 


Flyball is a thrilling relay race where dogs and their handlers compete against each other and triggering the flyball box to release a ball which they magestically catch!



Have A Go Agility 

Join us in the Have-A-Go Agility ring! Guide your dog through a course of exciting obstacles like jumps, tunnels, and weave poles. Dogs have a blast conneting with their natural prey instinct.

Join our mailing list for pre-sale access!

Sign up to the DogFest mailing list and get access to our subscriber-only earlybird pre-sale, opening January 30th!

Sign up
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Rosette illustration
Whistle illustration

